Ayin Health Solutions.

A vision for the future of healthcare.

Providence Health Plan leaders with a vision to bring the best care to all, partnered with us to create a new company: Ayin Health Solutions. Ayin equips organizations committed to patient care with the expertise and services to help them reduce costs, improve care, and keep pace with a shifting healthcare landscape.

StrategyDesignDevelopmentFilmBrand ID

You have two weeks...

The initial push was to concept, design and execute a launch site, brand film and sales materials within that time. In the end, we had longer than that (not by much). We wrote, storyboarded, and produced a brand anthem video to launch the new company to internal stakeholders and industry insiders. On the heels of that, we launched a teaser site that spoke out about the broken health system and the possibilities of creating a better, more equitable one.

Build off the buzz.

While the conversation was stirring online and in publications, we turned our attention to building out the true launch of the Ayin brand. This required a fully-formed digital presence that delivered on the tease, including social channels, downloadable sales materials, and a new brand film.

This site, what went into it and the work it represents, is the company I've known we could be. It's taken 40 years, but this shows who we really are.

Caresse Sakagawa

Vice President of Product

Building the brand's foundation.

The wordmark and badge we developed started with the geometry of three circles intersecting to form an A. We evolved it into abstract stained glass with the A at the center for the brand icon. A similar arc was used for the crossbar of the A in they Ayin wordmark, completing the motif. We then designed a robust branding system that provided the flexibility to present core services, technology and specialization, and the brand's distinct point of view.

Moving the brand forward.

No brand is ready for prime-time without fully a fully baked set of brand standards to guide their way. Since we were building the plane while launching it, we had to be exacting in our decisions, as each deliverable was used as a real-time stress test of our brand thinking. In the end, we developed a full set of brand guidelines, image and icon libraries, PR materials, sales and trade show materials (with obligatory swag).

This site, what went into it and the work it represents, is the company I've known we could be. It's taken 40 years, but this shows who we really are.

Mike Cotton

Chief Executive Officer


Shallin Miller // Grant Stewart // Vic Garcia  // Rene Choy // Chris Fedorzak // Mike Bollen // Kimberly Brandt // Rebecca Alexander // Ryan Gottfried