Ketel One Vodka.

Gentlemen, this is vodka.

Vokda was experiencing bro-woes, falling into one of two camps: over-priced in fancy bottles ordered only when trying to impress, or rot-gut with lingering notes of charcoal that went into syrupy-sweet, brightly colored well drinks. Ketel decided that it was time for the boys to become men. Men that know how to carry themselves well. Their drinks compliment their style: simple, sophisticated, without pretense. Gentlemen, this is vodka.

Responsible for:Art DirectionDesignOut of Home

Neat or on the rocks.

While the photography may or may not have been inspired by a certain series of heist films, from the invite-only party to a back-room poker game where admission is knowing a guy who knows a guy, we wanted our audience to want to be that guy. And while Ketel One may not get you into that room, enjoy a long, slow sip as you think of something that will.