
Pharmacists with character.

Medication Therapy Management (MTM for short), is a personal profession. Whether in person, or over the phone, these pharmacists get to know their patients through medication reviews, education, plans, and coordination of care. All of this is done to help patients become more active participants in their health care, and improve their outcomes.

Responsible for:StrategyUX/UIDesignDevelopmentAnimationIllustration

We decided on monsters.

MyMTMcare was adrift on the sea of same, with generic, stock images of fake smiles and handshakes in their collateral and website. Without anything to set them apart from other MTM providers, we thought, what could be the weirdest (yet approachable) way of making them stand out? Monsters, of course. Cute, cuddly, animated monsters. I designed a cast of vector-based characters (patients and pharmacists), and with the help of an animator, brought them to life on the web, trade show videos and booths, interactive quote and enrollment forms, printed materials, and probably the cutest squishy balls you've ever seen.

A children's book, but with data.

Knowing that such a different approach might raise a few eyebrows, I worked with the CEO and founder to make sure that while the visuals were fun and entirely unexpected, the language was rooted in deep understanding of the industry, written in a way that felt fresh and accessible, and backed up by stats that made patients, partners, and potential health plans, take a closer look.