An art school like no other.

Just across the street from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts sits the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, so it's no wonder that the artwork being produced there is some of the finest in the nation. We were invited by the school to help them capture the raw nature of the classrooms, studios and the unmatched opportunity for creativity to appeal to the right kind of students: driven, self-starting, and of course, talented.

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Back to school.

Being surrounded by such talent, we made it our mission to document not the work being made, but how, where and by who was bringing it to life. This documentary approach allowed us to capture the spirit of the school and the moments of inspiration and hard work that goes into a finished piece of art.

A self-directed program.

The SMFA's ideal candidate is one who is not only talented, but self-starting and motivated. One who can thrive in the unstructured environment that values freedom and self expression more than the traditional rigor and systematic training. All of our materials; viewbooks, posters, course calendars and even the website, had a rawness, exuberance and sense of exploration and discovery to them.


Megan Hecke // Marc Kempter // Todd Tilford